Nikki Yardy, LCPC

Therapist, educator, community builder

Building community through women’s support groups, educating women on mental health, and training clinicians in trauma treatment.

I’m a therapist and a person in long-term recovery from complex trauma.

I’ve dedicated my life’s work as a therapist to helping women heal and grow. Therapy is an amazing tool to facilitate change but it’s not the only one. I’m sharing everything I’ve learned personally and professionally about living a wildly happy life through growth, change, connection, and healing. Creating opportunities for women to build community and connection while learning, growing, and healing is a huge passion of mine.

I also provide consulting clinicians to learn and develop the skills to effectively treat women’s issues and most importantly, trauma. I am EMDR certified and an EMDR consultant in training.


Wild Hearted Women’s Support Groups

An 8 week expert facilitated experience, for you to be seen, heard, and supported by a group of women also craving connection.

Workshops and Events

Stay tuned for upcoming events in the community and online

Training and Consultation for Clinicians

Continuing Education opportunities, EMDR consulting, and case consultations for clinicians interested in working with clients who’ve experienced trauma.

Featured on:

  • Nikki and Jodi discuss the impacts of poverty trauma for women in leadership.

  • Nikki is interviewed by Mercedes Arnold of Maine VIbes Magazines